We aim to promote patient safety by providing leadership and innovation in VTE by….
We are a community of healthcare professionals that provide support to each other through sharing of expertise and resources to promote consistent, high quality patient care
We promote excellence in VTE by providing free education and helping members stay current by inviting experts to talk at meetings
We Influence the direction of thrombosis care through working with key stakeholders in the field
Who ?
All nurses, pharmacists, biomedical scientists, midwives, managers and other AHPs involved in VTE prevention and management in the UK are invited to join this friendly and inclusive network. If you are interested in joining the network, please email: egee@nhs.com
What ?
The VTE Specialists Network (VSN) is a dynamic, supportive group of over 100 nurses and allied health professionals who are passionate about thrombosis and anticoagulation care. Members are in regular contact with each other via email, discussing clinical queries and sharing resources. They have a wealth of expertise and knowledge which, when shared, empowers others to innovate to provide gold standard VTE care.
When ?
The network meets via MS Teams 4 times/year to discuss topical issues in VTE, hear from expert speakers and discuss collaborative work to expand knowledge and promote a culture of continuous development.
The VTE National Nursing & Midwifery Network (NNMN), now called the VTE Specialists Network (VSN), was founded as a subgroup of the Exemplar Centre Network by Lynda Bonner OBE in 2010. Lynda gained support from Dr David Foster, the Head of the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Policy Unit at the Department of Health, who agreed to support and sponsor the network.
The VSN is an active network with frequent interaction amongst its members. One of its most important functions is supporting clinicians by distributing clinical queries to members to facilitate sharing of information and learning'
The VSN hosts regular free learning events. Talks by leaders in the field of thrombosis and coagulation are delivered with the aim of empowering health care professionals to make positive changes in their organisation to improve the quality of VTE and anticoagulation practice.
Many VSN members are leaders in their local regions, some of whom host their own study days and local networks, as well as providing leadership to neighbouring trusts.
Members have a significant national and international presence in the field by way of journal publications and conference presentations.
The Network has achieved many successes including:
Worked with the Department of Health to improve awareness of VTE in the care sector
Input into VTE elearning for health modules
Responding to National guideline consultations
Input into creation of the National VTE patient information leaflet
Worked with the Department of Health to improve awareness of VTE in the care sector
Providing a supportive platform for clinicians to share their work